- Milk
- Cheese
- Yogurt
- Ice Cream
- Water
- Corn/ corn flower, popcorn, corn on the cob
- Bread-Flour and other things made with flour
- Sugar
- Rice
- Catsup
- Honey
- Juice
- Maple Syrup
- Where stuff comes from: Chocolate
- Cars/Trucks/Vans
- Paper
- Glue
- Crayons
- Cotton: Where Clothes Come From (Part 1)
- Wool: Where Clothes Come From (Part 2)
- Where Stuff Comes From?clothes part 3
- Where clothes come from (Part 4 - Man made/Bottles)
- Shoes
- Soap
- Forks/spoons/knives
- Hygiene Supplies
- Toys (variety)