Wednesday, December 21, 2016



- Barney & BJ Go To the Fire Station by Mark S. Bernthal
- I'm Going to be a Fire Fighter by Edith Kunhardt
- Fire Engines (Rescue Machines At Work)
- Fire Fighters by Robert Maass

Video Resources:
- There goes a Fire Truck (on Truck Adventures DVD)
- Mr Rodgers episode 1744 (a trip to the fire station)

Coloring Pages:
- Firefighter & Firetruck
- Fire Station

Monday, December 12, 2016


High Schoolers

Wendy's: (applicant must have played sports through their school)

For Michigan Students

Michigan Sugar Company

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Kindergarten: Where Stuff Comes from

  1.  Milk 
  2. Cheese
  3. Yogurt 
  4. Ice Cream
  5. Water 
  6. Corn/ corn flower, popcorn, corn on the cob 
  7. Bread-Flour and other things made with flour 
  8. Sugar 
  9.  Rice
  10. Catsup
  11. Honey
  12. Juice 
  13. Maple Syrup
  14. Where stuff comes from: Chocolate
  15. Cars/Trucks/Vans 
  16. Paper
  17. Glue
  18. Crayons
  19. Cotton: Where Clothes Come From (Part 1) 
  20. Wool: Where Clothes Come From (Part 2) 
  21. Where Stuff Comes From?clothes part 3 
  22. Where clothes come from (Part 4 - Man made/Bottles) 
  23. Shoes 
  24. Soap 
  25. Forks/spoons/knives 
  26. Hygiene Supplies
  27. Toys (variety)

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Kindergarten SS - Jobs

What do you do for school in Kindergarten?

- What jobs do people you know do and why are their jobs important?
- Fireman
- Paramedic
- Doctor
- Construction Workers
- Library / Librarian
- Farmer
- Police Officer
- Teachers
- Dentist
- Astronauts
- Mail (Mail Man/Mail Woman/Mail Carrier)
- Garbage truck driver



- Apple Tree Year by Susan Ring
- From Seed to Pear (A Start to Finish Book)
- Goats on the Farm by Tessa Potter


- Farmyard Friends (Really Wild Animals) DVD
- All About Old McDonald's Farm (On All About Collection DVD)


- Pumpkin Farmer
- Farmer Worksheet

Pilots, Airplanes & Helicopters


- Airplanes and Flying Machines (A first discovery book)


- There goes a Helicopter (on Land, Sea & Air Adventures DVD)
- There goes a Plane (on Travel Adventures DVD)


- Pilot & Airplane
- Helicopter



- Astronauts (Rookie Read-About Science) by Carmen Bredeson


- All About Astronauts (DVD)


- Astronaut and space craft (
- Space Shuttle (
- Lunar Lander
- Space Suit 

    Police Officer

    Book Resources:

    - A Day with Police Officers (Welcome Books) by Jan Kottke

    Video Resources:

    - There Goes a Police Car (on There Goes a Rescue Hero DVD)
    - Spend A Day With Police Officers (Amazing Heroes) DVD


    - Police officer with police dog and car (
    - Police woman & men at police academy (
    - Police officer on police horse dot to dot (
    - Police Car (
    - Police Hat (

    What jobs do people you know do and why are their jobs important?

    Book Resources:

    Jobs People Do by: Anita Ganeri

    Sunday, June 19, 2016

    Mailman, Post Office & Mailing a Letter

    - There goes a Mail Truck (on Truck Adventures DVD)

    - Mail Carrier
    - Mailman putting mail in box
    - Post Office

    - Mail a letter


    Do you like to eat things that are sweet like cookies, ice cream, and cake?

    Many foods are sweet because they are made with sugar.


    One of sugar's most important jobs is helping bread to rise so that we can have a nice fluffy loaf instead of a flat tortilla.

    Where does sugar come from?

    We get sugar from two different plants: Sugarcane and Sugarbeets.

    Most of the sugar used in the world comes from sugarcane but some comes from sugarbeets too. Did you know we grow sugar both ways in the United States of America?

    Sugarcane only grows in places that are very warm and get a lot of rain (the tropics/areas close to the equator) so we grow them in the states of Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana and Texas.

    Sugarbeets don't like to get too hot so we grow them in California, Colorado, Idaho, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington and Wyoming.

    Sugar from Sugarcane

    Sugar from Sugarbeets

    Additional Resources:

    - Free downloadable Sugarbeet coloring book courtesy of Pioneer Sugar
    (This is a coloring book covering the entire Sugarbeet journey from seed to store with short sentences at the bottom explaining the entire process.)

    - Free download (Sugar from Field to Table) - courtesy of The Sugar Association
    (This book is mostly informational for older students BUT it does have two very nice work sheets. The first one is a map for filling out where different kinds of sugar are grown - on page 6. The second worksheet is for labeling the parts of the plants (sugarbeet & sugarcane) and is on page 8.)

    - Free download (A Journey with Sugar Cane and Sugar Beet)  - courtesy of The Sugar Association
    (This one has a lot of coloring pages but most of them are more nutritional based.) 


    Basket Ball

    Where clothes come from (Part 3 - Insects/Silk)

    Wool: Where Clothes Come From (Part 2)

    Additional Reading Resources:
    • A New Coat for Anna

    Thursday, June 16, 2016

    Cotton: Where Clothes Come From (Part 1)

    Where do your clothes come from?

    Most people buy their clothes from stores.

    Some people sew clothes for themselves.

    Clothes are made out of fabric. Fabric is made from plants, animals, insects, or recycled things like plastic bottles.


    Many of the clothes we wear are made out of cotton. 

    Cotton grows on a plant and looks like a bunch of fluffy white clouds. 

    Do you see the Cotton on the Cotton Plants in this picture?

    When it's ready, the Cotton gets picked off the plants by fancy machines and stacked in big piles. Then it gets washed by a special machine till it's all clean.

    Next the Cotton goes through a bunch of different machines that squish, pull, twist and knit it till it becomes fabric that can be made into clothes.

    This short video shows the cotton going through this process.

    Want more detail?

    Cotton to Thred  & Thred to Fabric (less than 5 min each)

    Cotton isn't the only type of plant used to make clothes.

    A plant called flax is used to make Linen.


    Sisal - used to make rugs - from a mexican plant

    Books you can read:


    eating weaving timelapse

    cotton to jeans

    Additional Reading Resources:
    • Cotton Comes From Plants (National Geographic) By Norman Yu

    Wednesday, May 11, 2016

    Tuesday, May 3, 2016

    Belize (1st Grade Geography)


    England & Great Britain (2nd Grade Geography)

    Great Britain Resources
    - A Visit to Great Britain (A Golden Look-Look Book)

    Canada (2nd Grade Geography)

    Canada Facts to Know:

    - Second largest Country (Largest is Russia)
    - Niagara Falls
    - Great Lakes
    - Rocky Mountains

    Animals: New: Polar bear, Old: Moose (also in Sweden), Old: Reindeer (make sure they make a note that these also live in Scandanavia - Sweden), New: Belugas (white whales), Old: Puffins (iceland), New: Musk Oxen, New: Bighorn sheep, New: wolves

    More Resources:
    • Reindeer By Emery & Durga Bernhard
    • Canada: Provinces & Territories (Exploring Canada) ISBN: 1-55916-105-1 
    • Canada: The Land
    • The Wonders of Canada
    • Visiting Canada
    • Wildlife of Canada

    2nd Grade Geography

    Thursday, April 28, 2016

    Fine Arts (Preschool/Kindergarten)

    This is a basic Introduction Class. What is a flute? What is ballet? Why is the harmonica in his mouth?

    Join us for thirty lessons/weeks of learning about new and exciting fine arts concepts with pictures, questions, videos and coloring pages at your fingertips!

    Lesson/Week 1: Piano

    Lesson/Week 2: Ballroom Dance - Waltz

    Lesson/Week 3: Cello

    Lesson/Week 4: Bagpipes

    Lesson/Week 5: Painting

    Lesson/Week 6: Singing

    Lesson/Week 7: Harp

    Lesson/Week 8: Tap Dance

    Lesson/Week 9: Trumpet

    Lesson/Week 10: Recorder

    Lesson/Week 11: Violin

    Lesson/Week 12: Ballroom Dance - Tango

    Lesson/Week 13:

    Lesson/Week 14:

    Lesson/Week 15:

    Lesson/Week 16:

    Lesson/Week 17: Guitar

    Lesson/Week 18: Accordion

    Lesson/Week 19: Flute

    Lesson Week 20: Ballet

    Lesson Week 21:

    Lesson Week 22:

    Lesson Week 23:

    Lesson Week 24:

    Lesson Week 25:

    Lesson Week 26:

    Lesson Week 27: Harmonica

    Lesson Week 28:

    Lesson Week 29:

    Lesson Week 30:

    Kindergarten All but English/Science/Math/PE

    What do you do for school in Kindergarten?

    Week 1:
    Monday: N America:
    Tuesday: What jobs do people you know do and why are their jobs important?
    Wednesday: Water
    Thursday:Water Safety
    Friday: Plumber

    Week 2: 
    Monday: N America: 
    Wednesday: Corn & Popcorn
    Thursday: Baseball
    Friday: Waltz

    Week 3:
    Monday: N America: Pacific Ocean
    Thursday: Fire Safety
    Friday: Cello

    Week 4:
    Monday: N America:
    Friday: Bagpipes

    Lesson/Week 5:
    Monday: S America
    Wednesday: Where Stuff Comes From? Cars/Trucks/Vans
    Thursday: Transportation/Sports - American Football

    Lesson/Week 6:
    Monday: S America
    Tuesday: Thunderstorm safety
    Wednesday: Paper
    Thursday: Tornado safety
    Friday: Flute

    Lesson/Week 7:
    Monday: S America
    Tuesday: Farmer
    Wednesday: Cheese
    Thursday: Transportation/Sports: Construction Vehicles
    Friday: Harp

    Lesson/Week 8:
    Monday: S America
    Tuesday: Astronauts
    Thursday: The Olympics (Summer & Winter)
    Friday: Tap Dance

    Lesson/Week 9:
    Monday: Africa
    Tuesday: Baker (magic school bus episode)
    Wednesday: Flour
    Friday: Trumpet

    Lesson/Week 10:
    Monday: Africa
    Tuesday: Chef
    Wednesday: Yogurt
    Friday: Recorder

    Lesson/Week 11:
    Monday: Africa
    Tuesday: Teacher
    Wednesday: Cotton
    Friday: Violin

    Lesson/Week 12:
    Monday: Africa
    Tuesday: Tailor
    Wednesday: Wool
    Thursday: Transportation/
    Friday: Tango

    Lesson/Week 13:
    Monday: Antarctica
    Tuesday: Pilot & Airplanes
    Wednesday: Silk
    Thursday: Helecopter
    Friday: Sculpting

    Lesson/Week 14:
    Monday: Antarctica
    Tuesday: Garbage man & Garbage Truck
    Wednesday: Polyester
    Thursday: Recycling
    Friday: musicals

    Lesson/Week 15:
    Monday: Geography Review
    Tuesday: Electrician
    Wednesday: Honey & Beekeeper
    Thursday: Earthquake Safety
    Friday: Piano

    Lesson/Week 16:
    Monday: Antarctica
    Thursday: Ice Skating (a pretty sports/athletic/dance)
    Friday: Drums

    Lesson/Week 17:
    Monday: Antarctica
    Tuesday: Dairy Farmer & Milk
    Wednesday: Where stuff comes from: Cardboard boxes
    Friday: Guitar

    Lesson/Week 18
    Monday: Australia
    Tuesday: Doctor
    Wednesday: Where stuff comes from: Electricity
    Friday: Accordion

    Lesson/Week 19:
    Monday: Australia
    Tuesday: Painter
    Wednesday: Chocolate
    Thursday: Tennis
    Friday: Painting

    Lesson Week 20:
    Monday: Australia
    Tuesday: Paramedic
    Wednesday: Where stuff comes from: Shoes
    Thursday: Ambulance & Calling 911
    Friday: Ballet

    Lesson Week 21:
    Monday: Australia
    Tuesday: Veterinarian
    Wednesday: Where stuff comes from: Soap
    Thursday: Transportation/
    Friday: Tuba

    Lesson Week 22:
    Monday: Asia
    Wednesday: Sugar
    Thursday: Transportation/Sports - Basketball
    Friday: Drawing

    Lesson Week 23:
    Monday: Asia
    Tuesday: How to Brush your teeth
    Wednesday: Where stuff comes from:
    Thursday: Dentist
    Friday: Irish Dancing

    Lesson Week 24:
    Monday: Asia
    Tuesday: Librarian
    Wednesday: Where stuff comes from: Rice
    Thursday: Transportation/Sports -
    Friday: Banjo

    Lesson Week 25:
    Monday: Asia
    Tuesday: President
    Friday: Stand up base

    Lesson Week 26:
    Monday: Europe
    Tuesday: Blacksmith
    Wednesday: Where stuff comes from:
    Thursday: Transportation/
    Friday: Swing

    Lesson Week 27:
    Monday: Europe
    Tuesday: Hairdresser
    Wednesday: Where stuff comes from:Catsup
    Thursday: Transportation/
    Friday: Harmonica

    Lesson Week 28:
    Monday: Europe
    Tuesday: Lumberjack
    Thursday: Every Day Safety (helmets)
    Friday: Cymbals

    Lesson Week 29:
    Monday: Europe
    Tuesday: Carpenter

    Lesson Week 30:
    Monday: Geography: Year in Review
    Tuesday: Review
    Wednesday: Ice Cream
    Friday: Music/Dance Review

    Monday, April 25, 2016

    Brazil (First Grade Geography)


    • Know that Brazil is called Brazil
    • Be able to easily locate Brazil on a map
    • Awareness of the Amazon Rain Forest
    • Awareness of the Amazon River
    • Identify Christ the Redeemer Statue 
    • Animals (Hyacinth Macaw, Sloth...)

    If Student is advanced
    • Know that the primary language is Portuguese NOT Spanish
    • Know that Tropical Rainforests have layers (Canopy, 
    • Awareness of Carnaval

    Books/Videos I Use/Recommend:

    - Brazil (Country Explorers Series)
           ISBN: 978-0-8225-7127-8
    - Rain Forest (DK 24 Hours)
           ISBN: 978-0-7566-1985-5
    - Our World (A Child's First Picture Atlas, National Geographic)
           ISBN: 0-7922-5531-3
    - Totally Tropical Rain Forest (Really Wild Animals, National Geographic)


    Coloring/Activity Pages (All Free)

    - Flag of Brazil Coloring Page (Activity Village) FREE to Download and Print
    - Where is Brazil? Worksheet (Activity Village) FREE
    - Christ the Redeemer Statue Coloring Page (Activity Village)
    - Rain Forest Coloring Page (Activity Village)
    - Hyacinth Macaw Coloring Page (Made by myself) View/Download

    Additional Resources

    - Rio (DVD)

    1st Grade Geography

    For 1st grade geography my goal is to teach 15 countries spread across the globe. By teaching them countries in completely different areas I give them a reference point for future countries. (e.g. they learn Ireland in 1st grade, making it easier to learn Scotland and England in 2nd Grade)

    The Fifteen I like to do are:

    1. Egypt
    2. Israel
    3. Sweden
    4. China
    5. Mexico
    6. Chile
    7. Australia
    8. Iceland
    9. South Africa
    10. India
    11. Brazil
    12. Dominican Republic
    13. Belize
    14. Nigeria
    15. Ireland

    Saturday, April 16, 2016

    Guitar (Preschool/Kindergarten Fine Arts)

    Phil Keagy plays guitar

    Piano (Preschool/Kindergarten Fine Arts)

    This is an instrument. Do you know what it's called?

    This is a piano.

    Pianos have white and black keys on the outside and strings on the inside.

    Do you see the black keys? How about the white keys?
    Where are the strings?

    Piano's come in all different shapes and sizes.

    The Grand Piano is so large that it is bigger than a lot of beds!

    Watch these pianists play the piano using the keys and the strings.

    What did you think of that?
    Did you see how they used both the keys and the strings to make music?

    Learn More:

    Watch how a Grand Piano is made.

    Watch how an upright piano is made.